This podcast is from the worship service live streamed on January 24, 2021 and led by Senior Minister Rev. Alan Taylor. Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., said at the March on Washington, “Again and again we must rise to the majesty heights of meeting physical force with soul force.” It’s still true and Rev. Taylor explores how soul force has made a difference in American history and suggests what we need to do as individuals and a community.
The theme for January is what it means to be a people of imagination. To read about our theme-based ministry, please visit on our website.
For the safety of all in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, UTUUC will NOT be holding in–person worship until further notice. We have also cancelled or postponed any congregational events that would have taken place.
To see a video of this service, click HERE.
For information about how to join our Sunday morning livestream worship service on YouTube and our virtual fellowship hour on Zoom after the live stream, please visit our website at