Sermon delivered by Rev. C. J. Hawking on September 1, 2013. Rev. Hawking has been Executive Director of Arise Chicago since 2007. She has been partnering with religious leaders to bring a fuller measure of God's justice to the workplace since 1993. Rev. Hawking has organized faith-labor coalitions in five U.S. cities and currently serves as the Harry F. Ward Pastor for Social Justice at Euclid Avenue Methodist Church in Oak Park. She is also a board member for Community Renewal Society. Rev. Hawking is a visiting lecturer on labor and social movements at the University of Illiinois and co-authored Staley: The Fight for the New American Labor Movement (University of Illinois Press, 2009) which won three Book of the Year awards. She can be reached at
Sermon delivered by Rev. Emily Gage, Minister of Faith Development on September 30, 2012.
Sermon delivered by Janet Holden on July 8, 2012. Janet has been a “GA Junkie” ever since she attended her first General Assembly in Nashville in 2000 when her luggage got lost. She realized that she could buy a different UU T-shirt in the Exhibit Hall every day and still fit right in. Since coming home from the 2010 GA in Charlotte, she has been working on the Congregational Study Action Issue, Immigration as a Moral Issue. The decision to attend the Justice GA this year, held in controversy in Phoenix, AZ, was not an easy one for many reasons. Janet will explore what this GA means on a personal, spiritual level as well as what it means for our UU faith.
Janet Holden and her husband Tom Barnes have been members of the congregation since 1988. She received a Certificate in Congregational Health Ministry from Andover Newton Theological School in 2008. Janet has served on the UTUUC Board and is currently a member of the Unity Temple Choir. She can be reached at
Sermon delivered by Senior Minister Rev. Alan Taylor on June 24, 2012.
Sermon delivered by Rev. Alan Taylor on February 5, 2012.
Sermon delivered by Rev. Scott Aaseng on November 27, 2011. Scott is the Intern Minister for the Unity Temple Unitarian Universalist Congregation for the 2011-2012 church year. His journey towards Unitarian Universalism ministry follows his previous ministry as a Lutheran pastor on the southwest side of Chicago in the early 1990s. He has since worked as a nonprofit administrator, project coordinator with American Friends Service Committee, and church musician (most recently at Third Unitarian Church in Chicago). Scott is focused on church-based community organizing during his year at Unity Temple. Rev. Aaseng lives in the Austin neighborhood with his wife and two teenage daughters.