Sermon delivered by Intern Minister Kellie C. Kelly on November 26, 2017. Despite what society teaches us, we can create abundance when we give ourselves the gift of gratitude.
The theme for November is what it means to be a people of abundance. To read about our theme-based ministry, please visit on our website.
Reflection delivered by Minister of Faith Development Rev. Emily Gage on November 19, 2017. 20th century Unitarian Universalist theologian James Luther Adams used to say that “Church is a place where you get to practice being human.” We all – all of us – have to practice being human, because none of us – not even the grown ups – have it all figured out.
The theme for November is what it means to be a people of abundance. To read about our theme-based ministry, please visit on our website.
Sermon delivered by Senior Minister Rev. Alan Taylor on November 12, 2017. Reflecting on the inspiring story Jose Antonio Vargas, Rev. Alan Taylor shares explores the implications of living with the kind of hope and courage exhibited by this Pulitzer prize winning journalist who is undocumented—and highly public about it.
The theme for November is what it means to be a people of abundance. To read about our theme-based ministry, please visit on our website.
Sermon delivered by Rev. Nathan Hollister on November 5, 2017. Rev. Hollister, board member of the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC), speaks to why he, as a lifelong proponent of culture change, believes the UUSC embodies our Unitarian Universalist values and is especially effective in meeting the needs of some of the most marginalized people all over the world.
Rev. Hollister leads the ministry of Scared Fire Unitarian Universalist, which plants and grows deliberate communities supporting life and social justice all across the country. He received degrees in Political Science and Sociology from Northeastern University, and his Masters of Divinity and Masters of Leadership from Meadville Lombard Theological School, where he now serves as Affiliate Faculty. "Nato," in addition to his UUSC board position, chairs the UUA's Commission on Appraisal as well as the board of his local Immigrant and Refugee Community Partnership.
The theme for November is what it means to be a people of abundance. To read about our theme-based ministry, please visit on our website.