Sermon delivered by Senior Minister Rev. Alan Taylor on May 31, 2015. The theme for the month of May has been tradition.
Sermons delivered by Rev. Teresa Schwartz and Rev David Schwartz on May 24, 2015. Rev. Teresa Schwartz and Rev David Schwartz are Senior Co-Ministers of the First Unitarian Church of Chicago, called in 2013. They live in Hyde Park with their two young children Josie and Matthew. They were delighted to participate in a long Unitarian Universalism tradition of pulpit exchange and lead services at Unity Temple while UT Senior Minister Rev. Alan Taylor preached at First Unitarian.
With the May theme being tradition, this sermon was delivered by Senior Minister Rev. Alan Taylor on May 17, 2015.
This service from May 10, 2015 was created and presented by the Unity Temple high school youth group to honor the graduating seniors. Heather Godbout, the youth group leader, begins with introductory remarks and is followed by each of the seniors presenting their reflections. In order, they are Paloma Campillo, Clare Darnall, Gillian Dwyer, Connie Meade, Fiona Ryan, Siobhan Sandoval, Julia Studer, Liam Sundling and Ursula Wildfield. Minister of Faith Development Rev. Emily Gage and Senior Minister Rev. Alan Taylor then address the group. The theme for the month of May is tradition.
This podcast from May 3, 2015 presents the Mozart Mass in C as performed under the direction of UTUUC Music Director Marty Swisher by the Unity Temple Choir with members of the North Shore Unitarian Church Choir (Wayland Rogers, Director), the Metropolitan Orchestra and soloists Jennifer Kosharsky (mezzosoprano), Anisha McFarland (lyric soprano), Luther Lewis III (tenor) and Dan Richardson (bass-baritone). The Mass is preceded by introductory remarks from Marty Swisher related to the May theme of tradition.
The Unity Temple Choir and director gratefully acknowledge the significant contribution of Wayland Rogers, Music Director of the North Shore Unitarian Church in Deerfield, IL. His collaboration has been inspriting and instructive, and he has provided immeasurable leadership in this project. Heartfelt appreciation is extended to the NSUC choir for their full commitment in making this a wonderful musical exchange.