Sermon delivered by Rev. Scott Aaseng, Intern Minister, on May 27, 2012.
This service from May 20, 2012 was presented by participants in the first Coming of Age program at Unity Temple. Each of the ninth-graders offered their personal credo and several of them provided the music for the service. In order, the youth who spoke were Gillian Dwyer, Ursula Wildfield, Fiona Ryan, Julia Studer, Clare Darnall, Siobhan Sandoval, Liam Sundling, Madeleine Standen, James Harren, Brita Holmlund and Paloma Campillo.
This is a performance by the Unity Temple Choir of Tarik O'Regan's "Triptych" directed by Marty Swisher, Music Director, and accompanied by orchestra and Peter Storms on piano on May 13, 2012. Introductory comments are delivered by Marty Swisher and readings presented by Burton Anderson. Senior Minister Rev. Alan Taylor offers a reflection following the choir's performance.
This service from May 6, 2012, was presented by the High School Youth Group. Readings were presented by Zoe Ryan and sermonettes given by Jake Skubish, Levi Todd, Gabe Matesanz and Liam Sheridan. Emily Gage, Minister of Faith Development, offers some thoughts about our UT youth. Seniors Briana Craig, Nick Matesanz and Laura Miller offered reflections on growing up in the Unity Temple Unitarian Universalist Congregation and on life after high school. The introductory song was performed by Tom Faron, James Kay, Laura Miller, Nik Maniotis and Matt Parks.