Sermon delivered by Rev. Colleen Vahey on January 28, 2018. The sermon was preceded by "Imagine" by John Lennon, performed by the Unity Temple Singers. Rev. Vahey explores the importance of bold visions, moral courage and abundant love to see us through devastating times. She outlines the guiding principles of our growing Faith in Action Network, and shares upcoming calls to action to keep bending the moral arc of the universe toward justice!
In September 2015, Colleen joined the Unity Temple staff as our part-time Faith in Action Coordinator. She is an ordained UU minister who, over the past twenty-five years, has served as a hospital chaplain, a religious educator, a college lecturer and assistant minister. Since August 2017, Colleen also serves as the part-time minister of Third Unitarian Church of Chicago.
The theme for January is what it means to be a people of intention. To read about our theme-based ministry, please visit on our website.
Sermon delivered by Senior Minister Rev. Alan Taylor on January 21, 2018. What do the history of covenant and Rev. Taylor’s favorite Star Wars movie have to do with one another? How does covenant, shared intention, transcend our present moment and connect us to the generations past and future?
The theme for January is what it means to be a people of intention. To read about our theme-based ministry, please visit on our website.
Sermon delivered by Senior Minister Rev. Alan Taylor on January 14, 2018. As Unitarian Universalists we are engaged in a resistance movement for freedom that began exactly 450 years ago in the mountainous country of Transylvania. Freedom requires resistance to tyranny as Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. so effectively demonstrated. Rev. Taylor reflects on the function of religious communities given these legacies.
The theme for January is what it means to be a people of intention. To read about our theme-based ministry, please visit on our website.
Sermon delivered by Minister of Faith Development Rev. Emily Gage on January 7, 2018. Ellen Bass writes: "The thing is to love life, to love it even when you have no stomach for it, and everything you've held dear crumbles like burnt paper in your hands, your throat filled with the silt of it…. Then you hold life like a face between your palms, a plain face, no charming smile, no violet eyes, and you say, yes, I will take you I will love you again." Sometimes it is easy to know how to love life again. Sometimes it is not.
The theme for January is what it means to be a people of intention. To read about our theme-based ministry, please visit on our website.