Sermon delivered by Rev. Brian H. Covell on March 27, 2011. Rev. Covell began his ministry at Third Unitarian Church of Chicago in 2003. In his preaching, Rev. Covell relates the principles of liberal religion to both contemporary social and personal concerns. He believes that as Unitarian Universalism emphasizes the inherent worth and dignity of every living being, its congregations should take practical, tangible initiatives to make this principle real in our neighborhoods, cities and world.
Sermon delivered by Rev. Dr. Lee Barker. A life-long Unitarian Universalist, Rev. Barker is president and professor of ministry at the Meadville Lombard Theological School in Chicago. He has held pulpits in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and California. Each of his ministries has contributed to a surge in institutional growth, a renewed commitment to social justice and the adoption of a far ranging religious and spiritual vision.
Sermon delivered by Rev. Emily Gage on March 13, 2011. The music for this Sunday's worship services was led by songwriter and choir director Nick Page accompanied by the Unity Temple Choir under the direction of Marty Swisher. Yo can hear Nick's original piece, "We Pray", leading into and following the sermon.
Sermon delivered by Rev. Dr. Matthew Johnson-Doyle on March 6, 2011. Rev. Dr. Johnson-Doyle has been senior minister of the Unitarian Universalist Church in Rockford, Illinois since 2008. He is a third-generation UU focused on the good news of Unitarian Universalism. "This is a religion," he says, "which can save lives and the world. People seek a spiritual path that integrates their whole selves, that inspires awe, that celebrates beauty, and grounds justice. We can offer a vision of the good life and the tools to make it real." Matthew is passionate about welcoming newcomers to church, building strong communities, the preaching life, and working in accountable and effective ways for justice among all creation. He can be reached at 815-398-6322 ext. 14, or
NOTE: In his sermon, Matthew refers to several pieces of art which you can download as a PDF file and view at