Sermon delivered by Senior Minister Rev. Alan Taylor on January 27, 2012.
Sermon delivered by Senior Minister Rev. Alan Taylor on January 20, 2013.
Sermon delievered by Social Justice Minister Rev. Scott Aaseng on January 13, 2013. Scott is Unity Temple's part-time Assistant Minister for Social Justice. His focus is on building up congregational participation for justice through the Unity Temple Congregational Action Network. UTCAN uses a congregation-based community organizing process to connect members and friends around shared values and relationships, and organizes them into a network ready to take collective action on issues of common concern.
Sermon delivered by Rev. Mark Morrison-Reed on January 6, 2013. Mark Morrison-Reed grew up in Chicago where his family attended the First Unitarian Society and he sang in the Chicago Children's Choir. He co-ministered with his wife Donna for 26 years in Rochester N.Y. and Toronto, Ontario. While serving the latter congregation he was also president of the Canadian Unitarian Council. He's currently an affiliated faculty member at the Meadville Lombard Theological School. A historian of the African American experience in UUism, he is the author of Darkening the Doorways: Black Trailblazers and Missed Opportunities in Unitarian Universalism.
Rev. Morrison-Reed can be contacted at