Sermon delivered by Heather Godbout on July 26, 2015. Heather has been an educator in public schools for 22 years. She pent the first two decades of her career teaching special education and currently serves as the literacy coach at an elementary school in one of Chicago's south suburbs. Ms. Godbout has also been involved in Unitarian Universalist youth ministry since 1997, currently serving as the youth coordinator for this congregation. She and her wife Amanda and daughter Briana have been members at Unity Temple since 2007. The theme for July has been belonging.
Sermon delivered by Vera and Duane Dowell on July 19, 2015. Vera, Duane and their daughter Beth Dowell lived and worked in Haiti for many years. Although Duane and Vera are now retired, Beth continues occasionally to teach and work in the developing world as a family physician. All three have recently traveled with the Unitarian Universalist College of Social Justice to work in Haiti. They have been members of UTUUC since 2007.
Sermon delivered by Alix Klingenberg on July 12, 2015. Alix Klingenberg is entering her third year at Meadville Lombard Theological School and is a born and raised Unitarian Universalist. She spent her childhood in Bloomington-Normal, Illinois and attended the church there until she went to Oberlin College in Ohio. After graduating with a degree in visual art, she spent 12 years as an artist and photographer and had her own wedding photography business. She began serving as a high school youth advisor at Unity Temple in Oak Park, Illinois and through her connection with youth she found her calling to ministry. Alix's passion is for small group ministry and faith formation. She hopes to create an intergenerational ministry worthy of the changing landscape our UU movement is traversing. She just completed a year as the student minister to Peoples Church of Chicago. Alix lives with her husband, John, their son, Quillen, and 2 cats. She can be contacted at
Sermon delivered by Rev. Brian Chenowith on July 5, 2015. Brian was an intern minister at Unity Temple for two years between 2012 and 2014. He was recently called as the new settled minister at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Lexington, Kentucky, where he begins serving August 15. The theme for the month of July is belonging. Brian can be contacted at